Day 10! Reminder to vote! for “Once Again” in the World category
Day 10! Reminder to vote! for “Once Again” in the World category. We are 1/3 of the way through! Thank you so much for your support 🙂
Today we go into greater depth about our experience in Bolivia, working with the youth of Performing Life International – Fundacion EnseñARTE Bolivia – NGO which provides opportunities in the artes for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Being Bolivian I really should know more about the traditional dances.. Caporales – is one of the most popular – but many people likely don’t know that its inspired by the slave master “Caporal”…
‘Caporal’ was the overseer of the black slaves in the Yungas region – was usually mixed race, wore boots and held a whip (I think this mimiced by the hankerchief?).
This dance is characteristic of Saya music which originated in Bolivia originated in Yungas where the one of the only Afro-bolivian community exists in Tocana. While only 1% of the population they have profoundly influenced traditional Bolivian dance and music.…/episodio-8-la-vida-de-antes-afrobo……/podcast-episodio-8-…/
While we were in the Yungas with Rahman Jamaal Mc we were a few hours hike through the jungle to the community of Tocana. But fate would have it we spent the day in the community hospital of Coroico 😉 … to be continued