Day 9 The richness of Bolivia – Reminder to vote for ONCE AGAIN (World Category)

Day 9 The richness of Bolivia – Reminder to vote for ONCE AGAIN (World Category) – thank you for your support!
We present today a little glimpse of one of one of my home countries Bolivia – a taste of its natural and cultural diversity …
If you can visit one day it will blow you away. Imagine the Andes with peaks reaching 7000m / 21000 ft meeting the Amazon basin – a population composed between 40-60% (sources give varying stats) of indigenous and meztizo tribes, 33 plus languages still spoken …
While not presented this in the video – I wanted to add how much my experiences working with different indigenous people in Bolivia and other countries in Latin America, has profoundly impacted my life. I feel that in “developing” we have lost touch with the natural world, and this disconnect has contributed to our capacity to justify consuming natural resources at an unsustainable rate.
The struggles of indigenous peoples worldwide to not cease to exist is directly related to protecting the environment.. and we can see how their voices are not being heard, not being valued.
“80-85% of the Earth’s remaining biodiversity is located in Indigenous Territories. Standing with, learning from and honoring Indigenous peoples who act as the natural custodians of the forests must be a top priority – there will be no climate justice without respect for Indigenous rights, knowledge and leadership.”
There are many fights going on right now – for example: Standing Rock Dakota Access Pipeline Opposition .. the megadam projects of El Bala and El Chepete which are being planned to flood Amazonionan region Bolivia – displacing people – thereby destroying their culture – and driving yet to be known species of plants and animals into extinction – for what? To generate energy for export 10 years from now with no guarantee that it will be purchased.
Here are inspiring words of my uncle, who informed me of the situation in the Amazon of Bolivia and told me to write song in protest. This is one project in the works and I hope to produce this song in collaboration with local and international artists to raise awareness.
“Desesperanza de la Madre Tierra (Pacha Mama)”
//”The desperation of Mother Earth”//
Me pinchan la panza por un balde de petroleo
//They pinch my belly for oil//
Me sacan las tripas por un globo de gaz
//Take out my intestins for gas//
Despues de envenenarme por un poco de oro
//After they poison me for gold//
Bloquean mis venas por electricidad
//They block my veins for electricity//
Matan mis pueblos que se oponen
//Killing my people who oppose//
Defendiendome en mis ultimos esfuerzos de morir
//Defending me in my last efforts//
Beri, Chepete, Madero les amputan
//They amputate Beri, Chepete, Madero (Amazon regions)//
Sacándome mis pulmones en la Amazonia
//Taking my lungs from the Amazon//