Reminder to vote visiting today and everyday for ONCE AGAIN (Razteria Rahman Jamaal, World Music Category) till end of April 🙂 We got such and awesome response yesterday – thank you so much
Check out this little video – “how did Rahman and Renee meet?” At KPFA 94.1 FM – on of the Pacifica Radio Network! Pacifica is a network of 5 sister stations – KPFA (Berkeley) KPFK (Los Angeles) KPFT (Houston) WBAI (New York) WPFW (Washington DC) and hundred of affiliate stations around the world. It is the oldest and largest independent network in the world, receiving NO corporate or government funding. It was founded by Lewis Hill, in 1949 (
In my humble opinion – this could be taken as the “norm” for media outlets in general if we are to truely represent the plurality of voices and perspectives that must be heard.